Monday, November 26, 2007

Be Thankful for Your Customers...or....Customers = Revenue

**Excuse my slang in advance**

Dissin' your customers seems to be a burgeoning trend among employees. It is not solely constrained to the Gen X and Gen Y crowd, oh no! I have observed it with Boomers as well who do not seem to appreciate that the customer is the very reason for their having a job.

So, stop, STOP! I say and give thanks for your customers. After all, if you don't appreciate them, someone else will. It takes very little, but here are some ideas:

Thank You Notes

Thank Your Employees

And by the way, thank you, Becky Carroll, for your awesome blog Customers Rock, with many inspiring ideas. Visit Becky and join in her discussions.

Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brandon, you are so welcome! Keep up the good work, my friend. It is great to have another customer evangelist out there. :-)